So... You're in a chick band?

So… You’re in a chick band? If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard those six words, in that order, I’d be a very wealthy woman. What is it about being female and in a band that always solicits these types of questions, comments and qualifiers? As if the gender identity of myself and my band mates somehow automatically defines what we do, how we sound and who we are. Don’t get me wrong, I am an outspoken feminist and incredibly proud to play guitar in a band with other women (not JUST other women - my best friends, in fact), but I have to say that I am plain old sick and tired of the inherent sexism that continues to be perpetrated within our local music scene. Of course, this sexist BS is not limited to just our local scene, we see and hear about it all over Canada and abroad as well. You might be saying to yourself, oh come on, it’s not that bad right? We’ve arrived! We’re here and we are empowered! Woman have come such a long way in being recognized wi...